Monday, May 2, 2011

book review

I really like my book because I'm reading of a girl who want to be an actress just like me. She facing a lot of difficult situation in her life but with her good knowledge she is passing through them. One of the biggest challenge she just face was getting money so she can Bose her career up. Her best friend Shannel brought up a plane so they can steel some money from her strip club she work at. Ramie the main character the girl who want to be an actress knew it was a bad idea but she also knew that the life she was living was not going to take her no where she would rather steal the money.

Another challenge that Ramie faced was that every time she try to get in a filming industry the director always want to have sex with her. She meet this one film directory who live in Cali and she came to live with him. They use to sleep around even though the men was married and he had kids. She got tired of sleeping around with him every time he come around to ask for it. So she decide to get pregnant for him,but to sad when she was doing it she got caught.
Now Rami is living her life worrying about not get in trouble for the money she and her friend shannel stole from the strip club and also worrying if she will ever succeed her lifelong dream even though challenges comes towards her a lot.
what i like about this book is that i never get tired of reading it. I like the fact that I'm learning some tricks to use when it comes to the auditions. ramie one play a trick on this white girl because she knew the girl was the only challenge one at one of her auditions she went to.She lied that she seen the girl before and let the girl give out her info and then she got her number to make a prank call, the girl lost the chance of being at the audition because the prank rami made was to tell the girl that her aunt she live with was in the hospital and it was an emergency.

Rami really face a lot of bad time in her life and majority of them was sleeping with different kind of man that she don't know and doing other things she was never interested in doing or wanted to do.

if i had to chose a question on what to work on i will chose number one. Which asked me why the author Michelle Valentine wrote the book, what was her main point she was trying to put out to her readers.
In my opinion,she wrote this book for two reasons.One of the reasons to me is that she want to tell people like her readers that when you are trying to become someone in the future it wont be an easy ride. For example being an actress or something that is in the category of entertainment you will have to work really hard. you will do things that you will never think you will ever come across.
i also think the author is trying to let her reader know that being a black person that not rich and want to be successful is not easy. Not trying to say something wrong but most people know black women as people with bog booty and big boobs. So when a women like that is trying to be in something where some men think they can use them to get a little something they want.
For example in the book when remmi wanted to be in a video it didn't matter to nobody that when she was in the Luda Chris video she did good but all that matter was they wanted to get something they like before they give her something she want. her friend she went with who she thought was going to be there for her was not there when she needed her. What i meant about this was her friend was so selfish to her because both of them wanted the part and she did not care of doing what ever it takes to get it because she wanted to change her life. when she went in for the audition she did what the people told her to and she forgot about her friend. So the main point i will say is that when you are trying to be successful it wont be easy because you will face some challenges and family and friends who will betray you. So an advice is don't be so fast to trust have your eyes(as us the African people will say shine y'all eyes well, well) because it wont be easy.


  1. Your book post is good. Ypou really have a nice description of the story and it makes me want to read the book. All I would do is read over it and cheak for grammer mistakes. Also, you summerize the book a lot. I think one of your questions is a bout just the character so try to go more in depth. Try to make connections with other characters and describe this charcater. ALso, ilike how you made that example in the end and I think you can add more to it to describe how it affected the character. Overall, good book post. Read over it and make a few changes.

  2. It's a good post, but it lacks a beginning and the conclusion can be better. It can boost the word count from 818 to at least 1000. There's not much to say because most of it is based on opinions, but please capitalize and punctuate correctly. Overall, the post is good. But i'm wondering if you chose your question to write about instead of the given? It doesn't seem like your chose one of Mr. Sutherland's.

  3. Adralyn : Hey Adralyn, I really enjoyed reading your book post. I liked how you gave a full summary about your book. A suggestion from me for you is that you should give out some quotes and commentaries to your book post. The book post would be better if you apply some quotes onto there. Your blog post makes me want to read that book. There are some grammar issues but everything else is good :D
