Thursday, December 16, 2010

respondes post

I got this interesting post from Susan page i wanted to find just a quote nut everything was so good that i had to put more just to be more detailing and down to her point.

“People are constantly making assumptions about my sexuality or asking questions that I, personally, find rude. I found a website that basically explains everything: here”.

I agree with Susan that is very rude to walk up to someone and just ask them if they are gay.
if she is just let her be. Most people want to find out what someone else is because they want to go behind there back and laugh, so basically if you are just asking like that you are being rude.

“ Here's a big one. People are constantly telling me that if I marry a guy then I'm choosing to be straight. If I marry a girl I'm choosing to be a lesbian. They don't understand that no matter which way I go, I'm still bisexual because I'm still attracted to both genders”

Being attached to both gender doesn't mean if you are with a guy at a time of your relationship then you are straight. but once you and the boy are over and you are with a girl then you are gay. Your are bisexual. If your are bisexual then you get married to a man does not make you straight because you are still interested in both gender.

“And there's another big one: people are always saying, "Oh, she/he's just confused. It's just a phase." Um, last time I checked, I'm not confused. I've kissed both genders. On the Kinsey scale I rate a 2- I'm mostly heterosexual, but I have a history of homosexuality. I've had experiences with both genders and I am fully aware of being attracted to both genders. It's not a phase. It's not confusion”
Being bisexual doesn't mean you are confuse. it just mean you “enjoy” both gender and you don't want to be with one and not the other.

book post 12/16/10

In what way did your group discussion contribute to your understand of your book. Other perspective/ question you found introducing?

My group discussion really help me to understand why winter stole money from the aids donations and then after that she still went to bullet to get in the drugs business. My group told me that when she were staying with sister souljah, she made friend with Lauren the sister of sister souljah. then when winter stole the money from the old lady and killed her. She left the money in her bag with her Jewries and clothes. Lauren knew she kept the stolen money in her red bag so she also stole it from her.
they also made me understand why midnight always acted like he don't like winter,but every time santiaga sent him to help her he always does it. in the book i read he don't like her because she is childish and don't really care about no one else but herself. in his opinion he think girls in the hood are not meant to be trusted and not serious. He do whatever santiaga tell him because he like a father to him.

Question /idea you contributed which you were proud of?
What I'm proud of that i change the topic about five minutes. not like we was not talking about the book but just wasn't talking about winter. we talk about the mother. how she needed to get off crack and go help her family. We also talk about midnight and the letters he sent to sister souljah.

Fallow up part of your groups discussion you didn't have time to finish?
This was a question i really did not get a pleasing answer to. my question is why didn't winter find a way to help her mother get off crack Even thought she didn't have money she should of save. she had a great amount of opportunity to go and help her mother but her selfishness took over her, ans she only cared about her self.

one other question that we never finish because it always end up into an augment is do midnight like winter or is he around her because he just doing his job. To me i say it just for his business because if he good with the father he should cool with the family so his work will go well

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Senate blocks 'don't ask, don't tell' repeal
The ban on gays in the military has been in place since 1993.
Repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" is tied up in a larger bill to authorize Pentagon
programs and give U.S. troops a pay raise. The 1.4% pay raise in the Senate measure would be the lowest for the military since 1962.

The Senate has failed to get past a roadblock on a bill that would repeal the policy banning gay men and lesbians from serving openly in the military.
The procedural vote failed, 57-40, and was mostly along party lines. Sixty votes were needed to move forward.
The future of repeal is murky, since the lame-duck Congress is only in session for a few more weeks.
President Obama said today's vote is "disappointing" and urged senators to keep pressing. "It must not be the end of our efforts," he said.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., forced today's vote because he said he was tired of Republicans playing games. "Discrimination has never served America well," he said, adding the policy known as "don't ask, don't tell" hurts morale.

One challenge is that 42 Republicans have signed a letter saying they will not vote on legislation until work is done on tax cuts and other economic measures.Sen. John McCain, the top Republican on the Armed Services Committee, has been blocking the repeal because of concerns about the impact on military readiness. He mounted a filibuster this summer and Democrats could not get the 60 votes needed to get past McCain and proceed with a debate.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mike Mullen both support repeal and have urged Congress to act before the federal courts do. Congressional action would essentially give the Pentagon more time to implement a new policy.


book discussion ..12/9/10

Today in class we had a discussion for my book. even though the discussion routine was changed i still believe that i got my point out and also had the chance to listen to my friends.

first of all i would like to say something about the routine because i never had the chance to in class. in my opinion it good but i also feel like the time that we are given to talk is to long. i observed that when we was talking then after like 10 minuet into the time it will get quite for like some seconds before some one come up with what they feel like will stop the silence. I still think the new routine is awesome but we should cut down the time limit.

To talk about the discussion we had once again we were yelling out our opinion. to me i seem like the book that will make each reader build up a hatred or a little altitude for a character in the book. for example what i meant about this is that while reading the book at first every body in my group thought winter was the boom and she was a good ghetto and also fabulous chick.But now that we are all deeper into the book we think that she a hoe who don't care about no one else but herself. even though she knew her dad was in jail her sisters was taken away from her mom and also her mom were on crack she didn't really as long as she know that she look good and she was getting all the man to look at her she dint care.

One of my thought i did not get to put out during our discussion is that i thought the father was a stupid dumb ass. I still don't understand why he knew he was in jail for murder and drugs, then he also kill some one when he was doing time.
To i think he knew he was never going to get out that why he got out of control and did that. or is probably because he knew his regular life out of prison was already messed up and he did not wanted to come up and sink in it. he also probably felt it was going to be hard to convince to women that he were married to both of them so he just decided to do something will make him die in there.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

book reflection

the coldest winter ever

the coldest winter ever is different from all the other book i have read. when reading the book it build suspense in my mind to know what really going to happen at the end. right now I'm not far into the book but i am enjoying what i have read. the book is a very dramatic book. At the turn of every page you will be surprise what can happen.

The book i will say is based on a girl character and her family. It tell about what her father was doing to make sure even though she and her family was living a good life even though they were living in the project.

My group and i discussion

The class discussion of our book the coldest winter went really good. i will say we all ha a lot to say. i like the fact during our discussion propel from the other group was looking at us. i felt real happy when that happen because to made me felt like we we having a good talk.

i like how me and my group had our discussion because we had things we agree on thing we did not agree on. Even though we had our own opinion in some part of the story we never argue.

we quoted part from the book and we talk about it. while talking about our book i realize that the other group was very interested into our story.

When the other group were talking they seemed very bored about there book. they said something about not understating the business part of the book.

Another good thing about the group discussions were the note taking . It hep me keep track of what I'm saying so it can be included in my blog post.

My book right now it still in my opinion. what i meant about that is even though we had the group talk i still feel the same way about each character. I still believe that winter is a selfish girl who just care about herself and because of that i don't think this is a happy ending story.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

free post


The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread. ~Mother Teresa

To me this quote is saying that when your are hungry you can easily get something to eat and take the love of hunger away. But when you are in love and you don't get your love one it wont be easy to remove

Do I love you because you're beautiful,
Or are you beautiful because I love you?
~Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, Cinderella

This is a quote that will put someone confidence up. the question I'm my own words i will say is...are you happy because i love you or do i love you because you are happy

For you see, each day I love you more
Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.
~Rosemonde Gerard

this quote is saying that who's so ever have true love for you Will love you for ever. he will love you more tomorrows then he will today

Forget love - I'd rather fall in chocolate! ~Sandra J. Dykes

to me i agree with this quote. i do because i know love will never be real. no matter what there will always be something in the way to destroyed the power of love. for example man are always doing something to ruin love. they will ether cheat on you or just don’t tell the whole truth before you start dating them. so i rather fall in a sweet lake of chocolate then fall in something so wicked as love.

It's amazing how someone can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces

to me this goes out to one of my friends. i don't know how they can sit there and think and talk about the person all day when the person don't even give a fuck about them. Her heart got broken badly with one his stupid excuse but for some how she still want to be in his presence.

that all i really gotta say right now so peace.....