Thursday, August 26, 2010


I saw this really great quote on Karisa Coleman page and I thought I should write about it. The quote is

Instead of being mean to each other we should just try to work out our problems with one another without getting other people involved.

Some people that are in gang when they get in an argument they go and get their crow to solve the problem with them instead of just solving it between their self that not good because it will get to dangerous and some people who were not in it will get killed. This fact is very correct to me because to me because I’ve been in a problem like this. For example when I was going to my old school E.C.Reems I was not really one of the popular kids but I was still out there. Someone told me that this girl was talking about me and where I’m from so I got really mad because I don’t nobody to talk about my home went to the girl to conform it, I was so mad that I started say everything the other girl said but worse. I made the situation bad because it open up a new problem now it was a bigger argument. I also agree with this because if you and somebody is in an argument you should not take it to out there you should just take it to the person who you and them are in the bad situation and sort it out, if you cant do it alone just go to and adult that you can trust and that can put you and the person together. My last reason why I agree to karisa is because it stops violence. In the school I came from there use to be a lot of fight because every time there is a problem we include people we don’t need to include.

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