Thursday, September 30, 2010

Girl reading a letter in front of the window

                                                                     MY RESPONSE

my response to the girl reading the letter in front the window may seem funny or maybe to some people of topic but this was the first thing that came to my mind so i wrote it down, if you have anything to say for it or against it feel free to response.
  She is Anna Frank daughter . she sick from the HIV because she got raped during the Revolutionary  war. She in the hospital to get a check up because HIV was not rare so she had to stay in the hospital before she give it to someone else. Her father Alexander the third send her a letter and some fruits ( because the phrase says when you are sick you should drink orange juice so he thought if you have HIV you should eat red fruits).
The letter he send said " what up little girl, i know you've been feeling kind of blue but don't worry i will send you my left shoe."you feel me". I told your ass not to do it with kanye west, because he said you was a gold digger and jimmy fox agree with him. I still do not know why you are still with him after he dissed your best friend Taylor Swift at the vhm awards for beyonce who don't care about him because she about to go on her honeymoon with her new man usher. when she was reading the message on the bed she could not really see because the light in the hospital was not good so she got and went to the window where she saw Bart Sampson standing on his skate board laughing at peter from the family guy peeing in the snow, which made Miley Cyrus came up with a new hit called if i was snow white in the snow.
        When other people started talking then i had another great idea which this time it do relate. I thought of her taking fruits for one of her relative in the  hospital. By the time she got there the person already have written their death wish and give it to the nurse to give it to her before he died.
when she got there the bed was clean and every thing was fix but the letter were on top of the bedsheets for her to read when she got there. When she got there the nurse took her to the room and show her the letter, she looked at it and look at the bed she was going to ask where was her brother but she thought she should read the letter first. She read everything the letter said but out of shock she try to act saying that she couldn't see what was on the paper so that was how she got up and went to the window.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I found this great quote on Karen page that i would like to talk about.

Love is fake.At the beginning I was like no but if you really think about it,it is.And it's not just my experience figure it out.

To me in my opinion love is never fake it is  just the way  you experienced it or by who you were with.
For example I watch this love movie. It was about a girl who was in love and she was doing every thing for the man even paying for the house he stay in while she still stay with her parents. The boy were cheating on her and everybody could see it but for her she was so in love that she really never saw nothing wrong about  it. The boy will beat her up every time they have an argument and all he had to do was say i love you and she will fall into his arms.That the bad way of experiencing love.

The good way of experiencing love. this is a real story just to let you  know. their was two people who really like each other but they could not get to get for some reason, but spending time together and see how much they really did like each other they really did not care no more so they got together. That what i call real love, no matter the problem there will still be a way to end up together.

Ways that can help you find someone who really love you is to go to some one who loves you and not the person you love. there is always something like this in nature that when somebody like you ,you might not like them or they may not be your type so you will try to hook up with some one who you like but that might not always work out.
something that can help you find the right person is the kind of guy or girl you chose. For example if you chose a boy who is bad and he don't pay attention in school it will be hard to keep a good relationship because the guy is working on keeping his reputation by dating a lot of girls like bad boys do.
    A question I will like to ask is how are you acting in the relationship are you doing something the guy or girl wont like because if you are then maybe that one of the problem in the relationship.

To make the long answer short if a guy or girl will do something to fuck up a beautiful  relationship then they probably was not feeling it no more or they just don't like the person they were with in the relationship.
     There is so many reason why a relationship might not work out,but one of them will never be because LOVE is  not BULL SHIT



     Q ESSAY
  the most important character traits which Qfwfq display in both of the stories  is confusion-he always wishes he were someone or something else.

uncle if you don't mind....this is .... i mean , i have the pleasure to present to you my future bride”(76)
 In the Aquatic uncle, qfwfq was not confident about his thoughts and what he wanted. When he wanted to take L’ll to his his uncle to tell him that she was his girlfriend he wasn't sure if he should take her because of the way his uncle might react,it like he is hiding something from L’ll. he was really confuse on what he wanted because when L’ll was about to leave him you can tell from the way he was acting he did not wanted her to go because he still wanted her but he wasn't sure if he should go after her after she left him just to go to the uncle.he did not wanted to waste his time to go beyond her but in his heart he wanted her.
          “Why are you running what came over you”(98)
   In the Dinosaurs when he was the  last dinosaur left on earth and he came from hiding,when he saw the new ones he was afraid  because he thought they knew he was a dinosaurs but what  he did not know was they never seen a dinosaurs before. .For example when he was walking by the river he saw a small looking animal called sun flower he like her but his mind was playing games on him he did not wanted to go there and then she start screaming.One part i like to use for Q not standing up for his self was when they call him the ugly one,i don't know if that was a good name back then or if he was just agree to it because of what he is trying to hide inside.

“you know something? last night i dreamed that a dinosaur was going to go past my house..”.(104)
When Q were feeling good about his self and he staying with the new ones, he wanted to tell them who he was but because of sun flower dreams she had and her brother attitude towards him he try to hide his self again.I think that he is a person who is trying to experience each animal,species,organism that is why he is going to different story and being some one different.Ii also think that he is trying to continue evolution, i say that because he is going to different things to try to start a relationship or something but for L’ll and sunflower it did not work out for him but half breed give it to him and now he has a son with her so he is moving on.
Qfwfq is also a person who don't have sure belief of his self because he don't want people to see him the wrong way.for example q knew that his great uncle n’ba n’go had unnecessary behaviors and was a real monster but he did not wanted to put that out there or let his uncle know:
Never before had my great-uncle seemed so different from the rest of us: a real monster. (76)
When his uncle and L’ll was together and learning how to swim he knew something were going to come out of it,but he never really said none thing to L,ll he was just mad and started saying thing sarcastically.  It was surprising to him that L’ll wanted to go back and see the uncle after she knew he was a disrespectful person but since she liked him she did not care so that made Q very surprise. Unfortunately for Q, because he doesn’t speak his mind clearly and make his desires known to both his uncle and his girlfriend, he loses his great love. This is strictly because of the fact that Q is so uncertain about himself and won’t stand up for his own beliefs and feelings.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

i found this interesting quotes of the computer and i think it interesting to talk about.Two blonds had driven across the country to see Disney World in Florida.
As they approached it and got onto the final stretch of highway, they saw a sign saying “Disney World Left!”
After thinking for a minute, the driver blonds said “Oh well!” and started driving back home
  Blonde Cop
Dumb Blond JokesThis blonde cop stops a blonde driver and asks for identification.
The blonde driver looks all around in her purse and can’t find her license. “I must have left it at home, officer.”
“Well, do you have any kind of identification on you?” asks the cop.
The blonde takes out a pocket mirror and says, “I do have this picture of me.”
“Let me see it,” says the cop. She holds up the mirror and looks in it. Then she says, “Sorry. If I had known you were a police officer, I wouldn’t have stopped you.”
I may not be right but i have heard that when you are a blode you are consider a white person.White people are mostly smart, so why do most joke make fun of blode white people. It it wrong to make fun of white people for example i have a little step sister who spent most of her life amongst white people and she talk like them so every  time she come to our house and she talk or say something that don't make seance we always say shut up and stop talking white.

why are society thought to say something like that in response to somebody who don't make seance or people who don't talk with a ghetto accent.
i wonder if blodes only consider women because is mostly including women in the blods joke I've had read. I would like people who have been called blodes because some way they have acted or something they did to comment my blog if are reading this because i really need to understand how you felt...did you take it serious or did you just man fuck it,it just a god damn joke there is no reason to be mad.
one question i have been wanting to ask for a long time does it hurts you only when they make fun of you or your background or just it just hurts you in general if there is a joke told about anybody.

Do all joke make you mad or just the one that are told to bring people feelings down. For example do this make you lough or mad you can comment if you like..(WHAT DID 50CENT SAY WHEN HE FOUND OUT HIS GRANDMOTHER COULD KNIT?)  the answer is G-UNIT.
I found this really graet quote on Rokhsor page. Her quote said I hate thieves and people who are always in my business I will say i agree with rokhsor for so many reasons.
First of all I have a story to expalin. It was about two years ago i was in the 6th grade and on my birthday ny dad had given his brand new camera to take picture with my friends and other things we want take picture of. During recess we went outside and my sister who was also in the same grade as me was taking picture with all of us in  a group. we pass the camere from person to person just to make sure everybody was in the picture.

we spent so long takeing picture that even the fifth grade class ment us there. tht was when the problem started, one of my friends had the camera and she pass it to somebody when she was lookimg because she was listing to thwe teacher saying  line up. when we got to class i ask did you see my camera and she replying saying o i think your sister has it. when we went to luch i ask her if she had it she was like no i thought you had it, THAT WAS WHEN THE CAMERA WENT MISSING.

we all that was there when we was taking picture went around to see if we can find it, then this girl came up to me and said she saw the camera with this girl name abbrisha who was in her class. We weant to ask abbrisha to see if she had it but she said no.When school was over me and my friends look for it some more but we could nto find it. I was so scared because i knew i were going to get in trouble. i went home told my dad about the problem and he yelled at me a little and told me he will not trust me again to give me his things. i was sad because that was really hurtful to me.

A year later i was in the 7th grade then i saw the camera with her and i was like isnt thta my camere and she said no my mamma bought ne this with an attitude like she was telling the truth. In my heart i knew she was lying but i didnt wanted to start an arguement over somthing that was done with a year ago so i just walked away and said "whatever"

Friday, September 17, 2010

vocabulary words


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kathy quot

I found a great quote that I'm interested in to write about. It Kathy by she said that she used to be a fence hopper she wasn’t sure what side to be on. I really want to talk about this because I have a story about it.

I remember it was in the 7th grade and my friends Huda and Jessica were in argument. To me the reason why they were arguing was very stupid, they been friends for so long before I even knew them. I heard that Huda was angry because this girl name Jennifer told her that Jessica was saying something about her beyond her back. Huda being so mad and not asking a question she went and started say bad worlds to Jessica to get her mad to. Every time they are talking about each other they will come to me and say all the negative things and want me to reply and also say something negative, but I didn't know what to do because first of all I did not like the reason they were fight for and again like Kathy said I don't want to be a fence hopper.

They finally found out that Jennifer lied to Huda because she said she did not like Jessica because she fake and she is also two faces. I did not understand what she meant about that because she was the one who were saying something about some one beyond their back. It came to the time that the both friends apologized to each other and became friends again, but to me I will say I don't call that friendship because they still keep on hoping the fence anytime something stupid comes up. For example they started the same mess again when we were in the 8th grade, but this time it were Jennifer and Raquel who was trying to bring the trouble. Then Jessica and Huda didn’t not listen because they remember what had happen in the 7th grade. Then when the other girls they wasn’t going to get in a argument they got so embarrassed and went up to apologized to them for their rude, jealous way.

Monday, September 13, 2010


once upon a time there was this pretty girl named Yasmin. one month before Yasmin was born her father died and her mother die while giving birth to her. when her parent s died she was to young to live on her own or to find someone to live with but lucky for her,her mother sister was still alive so she took her in instead. Yasmin grow up a tall pretty and respectful girl. on her 15 birthday her mom sister died, she was in so much pain because it seems like all the people she get close to and start to love always die.

laying down on the bed crying and praying that nothing get worse then it already is she heard the door opening  slowly. she was scared and surprise because no one had ever went in her room except for her aunt so she was wondering who it was. lifting her head she saw her aunt husband black face, whipping the tears off her face because she did not want her uncle to know she was still crying after a weak his wife was dead.waking up and siting on the bed asking her uncle what was the problem? he didn't reply but move slowly and closer to her. she wasn't sure what he was going to  do so she just stare at him confusingly. before she could realized what he was up to he jumped on her and try to force her into something she don't want to do.

 S hw was screaming "help! help! but nobody  could hear because they were the only two in the house. looking around in a hurry she saw a sharp object she and try to reach it. suffering to get it and like magic it fell into her hands. PUSHING IT HARD INTO HIS NECK so he can feel the pain and get off her....suddenly everything went quit so she push him off her onto the floor. looking to see if he will move but their was no movement, still looking but none thing moved at all. jumped out off the bed unto the floor to if he was okay. she softly and very scared said wake up three time but he dint wake up. crying getting up to run for help she slip on some blood that were flowing from his neck, that how she notice he was dead.                    TO BE CONTINUE.



 Aortion is wrong because it murder. killing an human bein is illegal in the united states. if a women get pregnant then then the first thing that comes to her mind is abortion she should never be allow to get pregnant again. ways woman can stop being pregnant is getting on the pills or just don't have sex at all. If a women get pregnant and she said she’s not prepared to have a baby there is something call adaption, she can give her baby to someone who will be willing to take care of the baby and someone who really need the baby.

 the pro might say well is her choice if she don't want the baby but if that was you who were in the women stomach would you like her to take you out and don't even care about you just kill you because all she thinking about is herself?
Why Abortions Should Be Illegal”  A physician who has taken an oath to preserve life, can actually kill a defenseless unborn child. Literally ripped out many times in pieces from their mother’s womb.human thinking come to the conclusion that “ Thou shalt not kill” does not include the killing of an unborn child? Life and death decisions should be in the hands of God our creator and not at the whim of the baby’s mother. So when you say a woman should have the choice to kill her unborn child, then in reality, you are believing in the taking of a human life. Without sacrifice, love is meaningless.
when the woman is not prepared because she say;s she domt have mony to feed the baby low-income women have family that will help them take care of the child. There are also many government programs also designed to help low income women throughout all phases of bearing and raising children.
  Legal abortions discriminate against babies because it is taking their life and even their chance at a life. Legal abortions discriminate against fathers because they will not be able to take care of the baby that he has created. Many times he wants the child.
 . Teens today feel as if they can have sex without the right protection and run and get an abortion because we let them. They feel they do not have to raise that child that they have created to bring in the world. They look at abortions as a way out.

.  legalized abortions is incompatible with a free society. This simple means that she had the right to no have sex in order to get pregnant. She chose to lay down with the boy or man of her choice to have unprotected sex to have to even think about an abortion in the first place.

GOD has created that child. GOD has personal blessed you to conceive his child in you. Why would you destroy what GOD has placed inside you? abortion. With all of the opportunities in the world you would never know when you would blesses to conceive another child