Monday, September 13, 2010


once upon a time there was this pretty girl named Yasmin. one month before Yasmin was born her father died and her mother die while giving birth to her. when her parent s died she was to young to live on her own or to find someone to live with but lucky for her,her mother sister was still alive so she took her in instead. Yasmin grow up a tall pretty and respectful girl. on her 15 birthday her mom sister died, she was in so much pain because it seems like all the people she get close to and start to love always die.

laying down on the bed crying and praying that nothing get worse then it already is she heard the door opening  slowly. she was scared and surprise because no one had ever went in her room except for her aunt so she was wondering who it was. lifting her head she saw her aunt husband black face, whipping the tears off her face because she did not want her uncle to know she was still crying after a weak his wife was dead.waking up and siting on the bed asking her uncle what was the problem? he didn't reply but move slowly and closer to her. she wasn't sure what he was going to  do so she just stare at him confusingly. before she could realized what he was up to he jumped on her and try to force her into something she don't want to do.

 S hw was screaming "help! help! but nobody  could hear because they were the only two in the house. looking around in a hurry she saw a sharp object she and try to reach it. suffering to get it and like magic it fell into her hands. PUSHING IT HARD INTO HIS NECK so he can feel the pain and get off her....suddenly everything went quit so she push him off her onto the floor. looking to see if he will move but their was no movement, still looking but none thing moved at all. jumped out off the bed unto the floor to if he was okay. she softly and very scared said wake up three time but he dint wake up. crying getting up to run for help she slip on some blood that were flowing from his neck, that how she notice he was dead.                    TO BE CONTINUE.

1 comment:

  1. Please always remember: break things into paragraphs! It is much harder to read if you don't. If you need help doing this, let me know...otherwise, please go back over it, look for the best places to break your story into two or three separate sections, and then break up the paragraphs. Thanks!
