Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kathy quot

I found a great quote that I'm interested in to write about. It Kathy by she said that she used to be a fence hopper she wasn’t sure what side to be on. I really want to talk about this because I have a story about it.

I remember it was in the 7th grade and my friends Huda and Jessica were in argument. To me the reason why they were arguing was very stupid, they been friends for so long before I even knew them. I heard that Huda was angry because this girl name Jennifer told her that Jessica was saying something about her beyond her back. Huda being so mad and not asking a question she went and started say bad worlds to Jessica to get her mad to. Every time they are talking about each other they will come to me and say all the negative things and want me to reply and also say something negative, but I didn't know what to do because first of all I did not like the reason they were fight for and again like Kathy said I don't want to be a fence hopper.

They finally found out that Jennifer lied to Huda because she said she did not like Jessica because she fake and she is also two faces. I did not understand what she meant about that because she was the one who were saying something about some one beyond their back. It came to the time that the both friends apologized to each other and became friends again, but to me I will say I don't call that friendship because they still keep on hoping the fence anytime something stupid comes up. For example they started the same mess again when we were in the 8th grade, but this time it were Jennifer and Raquel who was trying to bring the trouble. Then Jessica and Huda didn’t not listen because they remember what had happen in the 7th grade. Then when the other girls they wasn’t going to get in a argument they got so embarrassed and went up to apologized to them for their rude, jealous way.

1 comment:

  1. Once again, paragraphs...and I want to show you again in the lab how to do quotes and links.

    But...PARAGRAPHS. That's the most important part.
