Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The fate of Lennie and George.

  John Steinbeck novel “Mice and Men” tells a story of two friends, Lennie Small and George Melton.Living during the time of the great depression both guys are dreaming about a house hey want which is making them work really hard to get it. But there is some problem when they were in weed looking for money Lennie Small created a problem and they had to move on.Now they have ran away to the Salinas Valley trying to work and see if they will ever live that dream.
       The central conflict in “ of mice and men” is character vs. fate because it s Lennie and George dream to get a house but it their fate not to get it because of the troubles Lennie creates.

“Course he ain't mean, But  he got in trouble alla time because he is so god damn dumb.” (41)
This quote took place when George was talking to slim about the incident that happen when him and Lennie was in weed. they went to a party where Lennie saw a girl with a red dress and he wanted to touch so he did and girl started to scream.
    I chose this quote because it gave a good reason why Lennie is in the way of George and him getting the dream house.  For example when Lennie and George were in Weed they were working and everything was going fine till one night when they went to a little party/ get together Lennie saw a girl in a red dress that he wanted to touch. he went up to the girl and touch her dress she was surprise and out of that result she started to scream, Lennie had a problem that when something unexpected happen he just get scared and hold on tight. When the girl were screaming he was scared so he held on to her dress and would not let go. George were the one who had to go and hit him on the fence before he let go. the girl were made that she went and told the police he was trying to rape her so George and Lennie had to leave weed. That was the first step of them not getting the dream housing they been wanting because of the trouble Lennie created.  

“Make ‘um let me alone, George ”I said get him.”leggo of him, Lennie. let go.”(63)

 What happening in this quote is that Lennie and Curly were getting in a argument/fight. Curly walked into a room where Lennie was and started a stupid fight with Lennie because he was big and curly did not like big people. Lennie is a retarded guy who don't really do things fro himself he only listen to George. when curly were hitting him in the face he asking George to make him stop.
This quote is from when Lennie and Curly got in a fight. I chose this quote because it gives more reasons to why Lennie trouble he creates bring them down every time they are getting to there dream house. Lennie and curly got in a fight and curly is the son of the boss, so if curly really did not  wanted Lennie around him  he would take him away. Lennie always getting in trouble is also like a fate because when George and him went to the Salinas Valley  to look for a job and curly saw them both, he never try to pick on George but Lennie so i feel like there is something people see in his appearance that they want him to do something wrong.

“i guess Lennie done it, all right ,” “Her neck bust .Lennie coulda did that.”
This quote is from when Lennie kill curly wife and he ran off back to the bush where George told him to go hide anytime he make a trouble.George is talking to slim and they were standing over curly dead wife and George was saying to himself that he believe that Lennie could of done it because he troublesome.
this quot came from the ending of the story when Lennie accidentally snap curly wife neck . this is another example of trouble that Lennie create to get in the way of the dream house George and him wanted. killing curly is going to make him loose his job and also get kill or getting locked up. they ether have to run away again like they did in weed, by also running away from their dream house or Lennie get killed. when ether of that happen they wont have a job to buy the house and George will not have Lennie who will do all the work for them to get pay so is their fate not to not have the dream house they have been wanting.
As we have seen of “mice and man” is the story of struggle with fate. What you may have fate in might not always come to past like in the story Lennie and George never got the dream house.


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