Friday, October 29, 2010

                                              Reflective Essay

Before i start my reflective essay I will like to say that I have never have a blogger before but using it had change my behavior  a lot. first of all  I feel very comfortable to write out and not keep it like just putting my ideas and opinion out there for people to see and also respond to. the blogger page has also made me improve my writing by helping me with my grammar and  my run on sentience,so when I'm writing i try not to redound because it like a run on sentience. I use to be shy because English is like my second language so when i write  a lot of mistake come out,and i thought to my self if other people read it they might make fun of me but blogger change that because I have notice that they  are actually helping me improve in my writing skills.

The last topic that I blog about is the book  of mice and men. The class were told to chose what do they think the character are vs. I chose character vs fate because in the story their were to guys who is on this journey of getting them their dream house but the trouble one of them put them in they never got there. i believe it was there fate not to get the house together.

1) Two ways my writing has improved is to me responding to quotes and people essay they have written.When I'm responding I am very specific so they can know what I think they should change or what I like and that help me with my writing because then I'm also specific so the reader could know what I'm saying.My writing has also improve to me when I'm doing the free post because then my mind opens up and I can write about anything I want and enjoy reading.

Doing the free post i have a little strategy of writing what I want but also keeping it in a way like I'm responding to a post, for example i go on the Internet get a quote  I really enjoy reading or a quote that really surprised me and I just respond to it.

Another strategy that i use is i write a story and when it getting to a interesting or very dramatic part i just end it by saying to be continue then on the next free post blog i continue from the same story and i wont have to sit there thinking about what to write.

John Steinbeck novel “Mice and Men” tells a story of two friends, Lennie Small and George Melton.Living during the time of the great depression both guys are dreaming about a house hey want which is making them work really hard to get it. But there is some problem when they were in weed looking for money Lennie Small created a problem and they had to move on.Now they have ran away to the Salinas Valley trying to work and see if they will ever live that dream.
      The central conflict in of mice and men is character vs. fate because it s Lennie and George dream to get a house but it their fate not to get it because of the troubles Lennie creates.

Ways i might not have improve is not going to the maximum amount of words  we need for the blog post.I also may not be improve in my response because every time I'm writing i don't have that much to say .




2) one of the quote i really enjoyed reading was Karen quote that said love is a eight letter words that means it bullshit. She mostly talked about how she used to believe in love but then a boy did something to her and she thought it was bullshit. i also enjoyed responding to that quote because i had a lot to say, it was like i have experience it before so that was good to have been in her shoes but not on the same side with her.

One of the other quote that i also enjoyed reading is Rokhsor “she said she hated thieves, and people who put their mouth in other people problem”. I agree with Rohksor on this in this situation because i had experience it before and i know exactly what i wanted to say on my response once I read the title.

3) The way that audience feedback helped me grow in writing is that they tell my mistakes I make  and i go back to fix it. they also help me on their feedback by giving me another idea on what to write.For example i can response to their post by telling my opinion which is also like the homework for the week.

The audience feedback also help me because then i know what my other classmate think of my paper/blog post and i can listen to their comment and change it around.
when I'm writing my blog i picture myself as an audience so that really help me because i reread my blog and go over it and telling my self to make it the way i will like other people to see it.

when my audience response to my blog it make me picture what they might have on their blog which make me feel like they are really helping like the way they are helping their self.

Some of the response i read on my blog is like people who agree with me which get me really excited to write more about the topic or to bring a new topic that i had in my mind up.

Blog post response also help me in class when we are doing the quick write for me to not be stuck because the time Mr Sutherland give us to prepare i think about what will i write that will make my classmate want to response or in some way have a connection with,by the time the time is up i have a lot flowing through my mind.

blogging was very fun and interesting when reading other people blog.for next quarter i will love us to do a debate about one of this topic...1) should schools wear uniform yes or no, i chose that as one of the topic because some student in ASTI has not been fallowing the dress code so maybe starting this out we might get some wonderful ideas Mr. Fong might want to fallow.2) i will like us to do this topic because when i use to go to college preparatory school summer program we did this topic and it was interesting but we never really got to finish it so i thought it will be good to hear what some other different student will say. it is “should the federal government have over-site on local police.

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