Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Well this year have been a great and experiencing  year for me.I have learn so many thing in English class and other things i have not done. For example, my first time blogging was when i was in Sutherland class. Blogging have been really good for me because i have been writing blog and responding to other people post. I like the fact that i had the chance to share with people my ideas.    
    I really like English class because we read a lot of different and interesting book. Mr. Sutherland is very nice and sometimes he let us chose whatever book we want to read. After we are done reading he let us watch the movie and i really like that because i really get to see what i was reading and compare it to my imagination.
    One of the book we read and i enjoyed the movie was . The Kite Runner he book is a very sad and touching book.When watching the movie it got so emotional to me to find out that when they use little boy as dancers was really true.
Another book that i enjoyed reading in Sutherland class was The house on Mango street. Reading that book was very funny because each vignettes had a theme that i like. Also i like the fact that after we read the book we had a chance to write our own vignettes. I had so many things in my head to write about that the project was not only easy and smooth but it was really fun.

Even though I'm not a lawyer and I'm the kind of person whose not interested in any law things but in Sutherland change a lot of that. In Sutherland class we debated about so many interesting subject. He show us how to be strong in our rebuttal and opening statement. Right now i will call my self a very strong debater then i was when i was in middle school.

Well those are just some of the stuff i enjoyed this year in Sutherland class. Sutherland is one of the coolest teacher i had and his class was the same. Even though i was hoping we did some romeo and Juliet play and we didn't i still enjoyed his class.
Explain one or two ways audience feedback helped me grow over the semester. This doesn't have to be stuff Sutherland said; If people wrote response posts about my writing, what did I learn from their reactions?
    Well audience feed back i will say has really helped me. People that have read my blog tell me what I'm doing good and what i need to change. First of they help me change my grammar and give me ideas of what they think i should add into my blog that will make it better. Another thing they do that i like is no matter what my blog is about, when ever one of my friends leave a comment they will always put something positive even they have a negative. I like that because even though the negative comment i see bring me down but the positive always encourage me to change it.
    One other time that the audience feedback really helped me was when i was doing my vignettes. Some of them told me that they like my rhythm i have in one of them and how the other one was very detailing. With those positive feedback i keep in my head that i should put more detail on my other vignettes.
How is the open-ended writing I do on my blog different from the more structured academic assignments I write?
My open writing is different because i don't write about serious things. Sometime i go online and find some funny blond joke and post it up. Sometime i just get a quote that i find interesting and i just write why i find it interesting and post it up. I really enjoyed free posting because then i can do whatever i want and don't have to sit on the computer and try to put some concrete detail because it is an assignment.
What have I learned from my struggles with writer's block? Why do I tend to get stuck? How do I tend to get unstuck? Notice any patterns?   
Well i notice that every time  we have a quick write i don't have a lot to say that will take up the ten minuet that was given to us. When I'm stuck i don't sit there and look in the sky i just write why I'm stuck and how i don't have none-thing to say. Sometime i draw a picture that relates to the topic the class is on. Getting stuck is one of the big problem i have in the quick writes it seems like i that ten minuet is such a long time. It will be better if it was reduce down to five minuets. That will give us the chance to write what we have and also draw a picture with the little remaining time we have.
Where do I get my ideas for blog post topics? What inspires me to write?
Most of my ideas that i put on blogger is assign by the teacher for homework. But if it is not assign then it is a free post. Most of my free post like i said before are ideas i get of the Internet if not of the Internet it will be ether a poem i had in my mind.
Explain one or two ways my writing has improved (or not). Include a few examples from my posts over time, with analysis and links to the original posts, to illustrate how the improvement(s) happened.
My writing i will say has improved a lot. When i first went to English class it was very hard for me to write a thousand words but now that  a difference. I had a lot of grammar problem in most of my writing but with the audience feed back and comment i have slow down with too much grammar problem. Also all the activities that we have done in English class also made writing easy. For example the debate we did make me think a lot so every time i am writing an essay or any assignment  i do it like i am debating against someone to list my point and argument against their points.
Well this year have been a great and experiencing year for me.I have learn so many thing in English class and other things i have not done. For example, my first time blogging was when i was in Sutherland class. Blogging have been really good for me because i have been writing blog and responding to other people post. I like the fact that i had the chance to share with people my ideas.
I really like English class because we read a lot of different and interesting book. Mr. Sutherland is very nice and sometimes he let us chose whatever book we want to read. After we are done reading he let us watch the movie and i really like that because i really get to see what i was reading and compare it to my imagination.
One of the book we read and i enjoyed the movie was . The Kite Runner he book is a very sad and touching book.When watching the movie it got so emotional to me to find out that when they use little boy as dancers was really true.

Another book that i enjoyed reading in Sutherland class was The house on Mango street. Reading that book was very funny because each vignettes had a theme that i like. Also i like the fact that after we read the book we had a chance to write our own vignettes. I had so many things in my head to write about that the project was not only easy and smooth but it was really fun.

Even though I'm not a lawyer and I'm the kind of person whose not interested in any law things but in Sutherland change a lot of that. In Sutherland class we debated about so many interesting subject. He show us how to be strong in our rebuttal and opening statement. Right now i will call my self a very strong debater then i was when i was in middle school.

Well those are just some of the stuff i enjoyed this year in Sutherland class. Sutherland is one of the coolest teacher i had and his class was the same. Even though i was hoping we did some romeo and Juliet play and we didn't i still enjoyed his class.

Explain one or two ways audience feedback helped me grow over the semester. This doesn't have to be stuff Sutherland said; If people wrote response posts about my writing, what did I learn from their reactions?
Well audience feed back i will say has really helped me. People that have read my blog tell me what I'm doing good and what i need to change. First of they help me change my grammar and give me ideas of what they think i should add into my blog that will make it better. Another thing they do that i like is no matter what my blog is about, when ever one of my friends leave a comment they will always put something positive even they have a negative. I like that because even though the negative comment i see bring me down but the positive always encourage me to change it.
One other time that the audience feedback really helped me was when i was doing my vignettes. Some of them told me that they like my rhythm i have in one of them and how the other one was very detailing. With those positive feedback i keep in my head that i should put more detail on my other vignettes.

How is the open-ended writing I do on my blog different from the more structured academic assignments I write?

My open writing is different because i don't write about serious things. Sometime i go online and find some funny blond joke and post it up. Sometime i just get a quote that i find interesting and i just write why i find it interesting and post it up. I really enjoyed free posting because then i can do whatever i want and don't have to sit on the computer and try to put some concrete detail because it is an assignment.

What have I learned from my struggles with writer's block? Why do I tend to get stuck? How do I tend to get unstuck? Notice any patterns?

Well i notice that every time we have a quick write i don't have a lot to say that will take up the ten minuet that was given to us. When I'm stuck i don't sit there and look in the sky i just write why I'm stuck and how i don't have none-thing to say. Sometime i draw a picture that relates to the topic the class is on. Getting stuck is one of the big problem i have in the quick writes it seems like i that ten minuet is such a long time. It will be better if it was reduce down to five minuets. That will give us the chance to write what we have and also draw a picture with the little remaining time we have.

Where do I get my ideas for blog post topics? What inspires me to write?

Most of my ideas that i put on blogger is assign by the teacher for homework. But if it is not assign then it is a free post. Most of my free post like i said before are ideas i get of the Internet if not of the Internet it will be ether a poem i had in my mind.

Explain one or two ways my writing has improved (or not). Include a few examples from my posts over time, with analysis and links to the original posts, to illustrate how the improvement(s) happened.

My writing i will say has improved a lot. When i first went to English class it was very hard for me to write a thousand words but now that a difference. I had a lot of grammar problem in most of my writing but with the audience feed back and comment i have slow down with too much grammar problem. Also all the activities that we have done in English class also made writing easy. For example the debate we did make me think a lot so every time i am writing an essay or any assignment i do it like i am debating against someone to list my point and argument against their points.

Monday, May 2, 2011

table book review

Table Reading review
Bany:the last song i will agree with u Bany that it is a really good book and i also saw the movie. i really did like how Milly Cyrus character is so mean towards her dad because he was not there for her and her bother. But living with him though really made a difference. I like how that even though she did not like the fact of her moving in with her dad but with her falling in love and realizing that her dad didn't leave because he did care was a really good way to start the father and relationship. But overall this is a really good novel story

Andy:Wow Andy it seems like You really like this book to be reading it 10 times. Your book sounds int-resting but it seems like your blog post is full of stereo types. I think because of how u describe the girl you said because she wears the rape army jacket she cant be the one someone will pick on because she will start something back with you. I don't find a good to describe a girl being mean because of what she is wearing.But it seems like you are enjoying your book a lot and to me it also seem good but it just not the type of book i may read.

Saber:your book sounds very interesting and different from all the other book that i have read. To me it seems like some boys are in a gang but there gang is not really violence. Those group of boys called them self the greaser because they grease their hair backwards. I find it different that there good be such a group. Most of the time when i hear about a gang group it is actually bad and they have names like murder team that describe what they do. But your book still seem good i will love the chance to read it sometimes. just a quick question do your book have a movie

book review

I really like my book because I'm reading of a girl who want to be an actress just like me. She facing a lot of difficult situation in her life but with her good knowledge she is passing through them. One of the biggest challenge she just face was getting money so she can Bose her career up. Her best friend Shannel brought up a plane so they can steel some money from her strip club she work at. Ramie the main character the girl who want to be an actress knew it was a bad idea but she also knew that the life she was living was not going to take her no where she would rather steal the money.

Another challenge that Ramie faced was that every time she try to get in a filming industry the director always want to have sex with her. She meet this one film directory who live in Cali and she came to live with him. They use to sleep around even though the men was married and he had kids. She got tired of sleeping around with him every time he come around to ask for it. So she decide to get pregnant for him,but to sad when she was doing it she got caught.
Now Rami is living her life worrying about not get in trouble for the money she and her friend shannel stole from the strip club and also worrying if she will ever succeed her lifelong dream even though challenges comes towards her a lot.
what i like about this book is that i never get tired of reading it. I like the fact that I'm learning some tricks to use when it comes to the auditions. ramie one play a trick on this white girl because she knew the girl was the only challenge one at one of her auditions she went to.She lied that she seen the girl before and let the girl give out her info and then she got her number to make a prank call, the girl lost the chance of being at the audition because the prank rami made was to tell the girl that her aunt she live with was in the hospital and it was an emergency.

Rami really face a lot of bad time in her life and majority of them was sleeping with different kind of man that she don't know and doing other things she was never interested in doing or wanted to do.

if i had to chose a question on what to work on i will chose number one. Which asked me why the author Michelle Valentine wrote the book, what was her main point she was trying to put out to her readers.
In my opinion,she wrote this book for two reasons.One of the reasons to me is that she want to tell people like her readers that when you are trying to become someone in the future it wont be an easy ride. For example being an actress or something that is in the category of entertainment you will have to work really hard. you will do things that you will never think you will ever come across.
i also think the author is trying to let her reader know that being a black person that not rich and want to be successful is not easy. Not trying to say something wrong but most people know black women as people with bog booty and big boobs. So when a women like that is trying to be in something where some men think they can use them to get a little something they want.
For example in the book when remmi wanted to be in a video it didn't matter to nobody that when she was in the Luda Chris video she did good but all that matter was they wanted to get something they like before they give her something she want. her friend she went with who she thought was going to be there for her was not there when she needed her. What i meant about this was her friend was so selfish to her because both of them wanted the part and she did not care of doing what ever it takes to get it because she wanted to change her life. when she went in for the audition she did what the people told her to and she forgot about her friend. So the main point i will say is that when you are trying to be successful it wont be easy because you will face some challenges and family and friends who will betray you. So an advice is don't be so fast to trust have your eyes(as us the African people will say shine y'all eyes well, well) because it wont be easy.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

post 4/13/11

well i went on the Dalies to try to look for the question and see which one of them i wanted to do but for some reason the questions were no where to be found.
Since i cant find it i will just give you some things that have went on in my book and what i like. I really like my book because I'm reading of a girl who want to be an actress just like me. She facing a lot of difficult situation in her life but with her good knowledge she is passing through them. One of the biggest challenge she just face was getting money so she can Bose her career up. Her best friend Shannel brought up a plane so they can steel some money from her strip club she work at. Ramie the main character the girl who want to be an actress knew it was a bad idea but she also knew that the life she was living was not going to take her no where. Another challenge that Ramie faced was that every time she try to get in a filming industry the director always want to have sex with her. She meet this one film directory who live in Cali and she came to live with him. They use to sleep around even though the men was married and he had kids. She got tired of sleeping around with him every time he come around to ask for it. So she decide to get pregnant for him,but to sad when she was doing it she got caught.
Now Rami is living her life worrying about not get in trouble for the money she and her friend shannel stole from the strip club and also worrying if she will ever succeed her lifelong dream even though challenges comes towards her a lot.
what i like about this book is that i never get tired of reading it. I like the fact that I'm learning some tricks to use when it comes to the auditions. ramie one play a trick on this white girl because she knew the girl was the only challenge.She lied that she seen the girl before and let the girl give out her info and then she got her number to make a prank call.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

peer review

well i was told that for homework we should do a post but i was also told that all we had to do was leave a comment on somebody review that we like. Amongst those two I'm not sure which one we are supposed to do so i am just going to do a blog post.
well i read four people blog and i felt like they had something i was interested in our their book is related in some way.The blog post that i read are Beatrice, Bany, and Aleah.here are the comment i posted on their page after i read it.Aleah book i will say is just like mine, and i agree with her when she said that this book was very interesting because book like what me and Aleah is reading tells a novel of what black women and black people struggle they go through. So i will just like to say that i believe that this is a good book.

Bany book i will say is very interesting. i watched the movie she was talking about and it was a wonderful movie when i and my family was watching it.

When i read Beatrice review i found out that her book has a lot of drama. one of them is married to Frankie and Frankie is cheating on his wife but his wife loves him so much that she not doing non-thing about it. This is really all i got from their review.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

blog post 4/5/2011

Just to give you a brief heads up about my book. My book is about this girl name Remmi who’s dream is to become an actress.She face challenges of sleeping with different kind of man that she don't know and doing other things she was never interested in doing or want to do.
if i had to chose a question on what to work on i will chose number one. Which asked me why the author Michelle Valentine wrote the book, what was her main point she was trying to put out to her readers.
In my opinion,she wrote this book for two reasons.One of the reasons to me is that she want to tell people like her readers that when you are trying to become someone in the future it wont be an easy ride. For example being an actress or something that is in the category of entertainment you will have to work really hard. you will do things that you will never think you will ever come across.
i also think the author is trying to let her reader know that being a black person that not rich and want to be successful is not easy. Not trying to say something wrong but most people know black women as people with bog booty and big boobs. So when a women like that is trying to be in something where some men think they can use them to get a little something they want.
For example in the book when remmi wanted to be in a video it didn't matter to nobody that when she was in the luda chris video she did good but all that matter was they wanted to get something they like before they give her something they want. her friend she went who she thought was ganna be there for her was not there when she need her. when she went in for the audition she did what the people told her to and she forgot about her friend. So the main point i wil say is that when you are trying to be successful because you wil face some challenges and it wont be easy.