Thursday, March 17, 2011

“In my head, it’s going down” Jason Derulo-In my head.

“In my head, it’s going down”
Jason Derulo-In my head.

1. Me myself and I
2.The bus stop
3.Bad girls club remix
4.The funny joke
5.Just bad
6.Hate talking on the phone
7.Nasty break up
8. height
9. Game time


Everybody in my Family has a different height. My pop’s Height is like a tellitubie, chubby and small. And me, my height is the shortest.This cute boy from across the street told me that I'm short because i don't get enough sleep. Beatrice is short and skinny, like a pen. Princess is the youngest , but somehow the tallest. Not taller then my father and Beatrice, but taller then me.

But my mother height, My mother height is like the mixture of three of us,Princess,my father and me. She’s chubby like my pop’s and round as me. She is a few inch taller then princess. When you see her walking down the street, she will remind you of the three of us.

The funny joke

Sitting around in the living room. That is something my family and i do every weekend. uncles, Cousins,Sister, and I.

Adralyn, Beatrice, Princess, Patience, Sarah,Thomas, Uncle Sam, Constance. Constance is one of the funniest people, but he will never be funnier then me. i always say he will never be funnier then me because most of his joke he tell are not funny but my family laugh at them anyways. He funny like a clown, which are meant to be funny but are not. One day he was funny. He was funny because he said this joke.

“One dai la African boi wen tu sku and la teacher tei he to read. he tri to read in American and he say..the boy and the girl. but he say a very low in a American accent. And la teacher say Wat. so he repeat his self. and la teacher sta not understan he. so he got mad and staleah spiken in African. He say la boi and la gal.” That was the only day Constance was funny as
me because that was the joke he said that made me laugh.

Hate talking on the phone
Talking on the phone is something I hate to do. talking on the phone something I try not to do. Talking on the phone is something all my friends love to do. I decided to try it once because my girl crew wanted to have a talk. i had a thought in my head that my voice might sound shaky or my friends might make a weird face every time i say something they don't like. Most of the people i know like to hide behind closed doors but in the end it will come to light. so for me i like to keep it in the light. talking on the phone make me feel like my throat got dried out of words. I get small like an ants and my voice get muted out.Talking on the phone is something i hate to do. talking on the phone is something i try not to do. talking on the phone is something my friends love to do. talking on the phone is something i will never do.


I remember one day I had a writing homework that was talking about soccer. So it reminded me of when i was in soccer camp. soccer is just run, run, run, run, back and forth, back and forth, relentlessly, with only a few seconds of relaxation when a goal is scored, and that happens 1 in 5 sometimes never. Soccer is full with embarrassment of red and yellow cards. Its full with breaks and snacks. When I'm playing soccer i feel like a car that has ran out of gas and cant move no more. also when i though back to soccer camp i thought of the nose that was made on the bus by me and my friends. We sounded like a bunch of hawks flying and making noise over a dead body. The early in the morning walks to the bus stop when we all are to sleepy to even move. When remember the time i was in soccer camp i remember my time of fun and my time of sleepiness.

The bad girls club remix

the bad girls club is a show my friends and i watch on TV. Walking from walmart was when the idea pop in my mind. That we should do a bad girls club remix. My cousin got so juiced about the idea that she started spitting words like she had a bad taste in her mouth. My dumb little sister who doesn't know what we were talking about thought we was making bad girls club because we was walking on the side walk of a heavy traffic. Worrying that i don't get hate by the cars in the traffic i was scared to spread my legs apart and walk. my cousin had to come and pull me for me to move. taking it back to the bad girls club idea she told me we should speak our pigean language and then put it on YouTube. The bad girls club show a show we watched on TV has became our show that we put on YouTube.

Me, myself and I

me myself and i is where i live. me myself and i is my soul. me myself and i is a person i talk to. me myself and i is who i trusted.I say me myself and i is who i trust because when i am with my self i have privacy like i was lost on a island by myself and what ever i say wont leak out to some one different. I is for i stand alone. I know on judgment day i will be standing by myself so i try not to depend on nobody and be independent. Me is for me and only me. it should be all about me. It all about me. It all about me. It all about me because a birdie told me that when i want to achieve something it should be all about me and no one else.When I'm in the world of me myself and i. You can never guess what the three important things are. Me, Myself and I.

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