Friday, March 25, 2011

helping mango street

In class while reading the mango street book i realize that Esperanza never like the fact that she lived on mango street. She hated that her family never lived in the house they dream about. The White house with long stairs. The one that they would have the own laundry mate. The one with big windows that she can sit and look through. The one with a fence to guard and protect them. Esperanza experience in living on mango street was very embarrassing for her because of the house she lived in. She felt like it was too small for her to even tell someone that her house. The embarrassing part was that when it rain water goes through it.

Living in the house was not the only thing that bother Esperanza when she was living on mango street. What embarrassed her was her feet and how her family cant afford what she want. One example that i have is that when she had a dance her mother bought her a beautiful new dress, but for some reason she didn't have enough money to buy her some new shoes so she had to wear the same old ones.

Here is a quote “one day i will pack my bags of books and paper. One day I will say goodbye to Mango. I am too strong for her to keep me here forever. One day i will go away. Friends and neighbors will say, what happened to that Esperanza? where did she go with all those books and paper? why did she march so far away? They will not know i have gone away to come back. For the ones i left behind. For the ones who cannot out.”
Her way of helping the people she left back on mango street is not by going back and getting each of them out and giving them money. But she was a young writer when she lived on mango street she decided to write her experience in a book that people will read and go help the people on mango street who can not get them self out. Or the ones who know how to come out but don't have a back up plane.

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