Tuesday, November 9, 2010

free respone......

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California said Monday that he is glad Proposition 19, which would have legalized recreational marijuana use in his state, was defeated - even though "no one cares if you smoke a joint or not."
Pot legalization advocates are undeterred by the defeat of Prop. 19
They see the election as a trial run that could lead to a campaign with a better message, a tighter measure and more money. Both the winning and losing sides say California's voters rejected this specific initiative, but remain open to legalizing the easily obtainable drug.

A White House spokesman has made the usual vapid statement that politicians of all stripes make in these situations: drugs are bad, blah, blah. “Today, Californians recognized that legalizing marijuana will not make our citizens healthier, solve California’s budget crisis, or reduce drug related violence in Mexico. The Obama Administration has been clear in its opposition to marijuana legalization because research shows that marijuana use is associated with voluntary treatment admissions for addiction, fatal drugged driving accidents, mental illness, and emergency room admissions”, Gil Kerlikowske, the drug policy director for the Obama administration, told Californian reporters.
This subject reminded me of when we were in math class and we started talking about why will someone want to legalized marijuana. someone from the class said that it would be a stupid idea because it like letting people get legalize crack.
for my self i feel like it should not be legalized because we have enough stupider people that have found a way to take it even when they know that in the law if you are not proscribe to take it you are not supposed to have it at all.

in the writing up there i agree that legalizing that drug is not going to help anything but make it worse. Teenager who don't know what they are dong can take too much of it and damage their Brain. people can feel like that is good for them taking to much and may not know what they are doing and kill their self.

I'm really happy to know that it not legalized and people will not make their self stumpier then they already is.

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