Friday, January 21, 2011

the color purple

What do Celie's letters to God tell you so far about 1. Her character traits and 2. Her beliefs about and relationship with God? Use quotes to answer both parts of this question.

“It’s worse than that, I think. If I was buried, I wouldn’t ave to work. But I just say, never mine, never mine, long as I can spell G-O-D I got somebody along.”

Celie’s letters tells me that she doesn't have no one to talk to.(not trying to spoil the story) Nettie Celie sister is not with her no more and she never used to talk to her dad, so while she staying with MR_ a man she never wanted to marry she don't have no one to talk to.
To me Celie is a very quite person who is scared to stand up or fight for her self.

“I keep hoping he fine somebody to marry. I see him looking at my little sister. She scared. But I say I’ll take care of you. with God help.”

“She good with children, Pa say, rattling his paper open more. Never heard her say a word to narry one of them. Just give em everything they ast for. is the only problem.”
She care about other people and not herself. For example when MR came to ask her sister Nettie for her hand I'm marriage. she was scared for nothing bad to happen to her sister so she wanted to take her place.

Her beliefs about and relationship with God?
Her belief about god is that he is there and is watching over her even though she don't have no one right now. She write to him when she has something on her heart. She writes to him when she is in need. her relationship with god is that he is the one who give her strength to survive since she cant fight. she believe that one day god will bring she and her family back together. she belief that god is watching over her sister, her and her children her daddy send away. she also belief that one day god will take revenge for her, to all the people that gives her pain and love to see her cry.

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