Thursday, January 20, 2011

Debate post

The question i chose to debate about is Should teens be allowed to vote?

In my opinion, I would say no teens should not have the right to vote..Because we are young and not mature enough to take upon a big responsibility.
Teen should not be able to vote because they might not be interested in politics but since they have to vote they will just chose anybody.
Teen should not be allowed to vote because they might do to just look cool. when you are given the right o vote that means you are responsible enough. But when you are doing it just to be cool then that not responsible.

“No. I was immature as a teen. I wasn't well-versed in politics or national affairs or social issues. Most teens aren't. Similarly, they're not old enough or experienced enough to have solidified real positions on important issues beyond what their parents have taught them. This is something you can only see in retrospect, as an adult” (

“They don't understand the issues and most of them wouldn't take the time to get out and hear the candidates.”(Asylum 92) Speaking from a teenager i agree with this quote the kids will not want to take time out of having fun to listening to politician speak.

“You live in a democracy and that means that you get a say in who runs your country, and by way of this privilege you also get a say about how your country is run”
Teen still get the right at some point for them to chose who will run the country. but that will be when they are mature enough.

“A government by the people, for the people just can't work without the people. This is a simple fact. Like a car without an engine, or a computer without a hard drive, a democracy without voters is just a shell and has no power. While it is easy to say "one vote doesn't make a difference" the reality is that every vote counts”. (
A government for the people will always be for the people. But when we feel like given it to everybody and it not taking seriously it will be mess up. When it mess up the people will no longer have a government that will be for them.

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