Friday, January 28, 2011


Colin said:
I have chosen to debate that wiki leaks is bad for our country. Every now and then, new secret documents are released to the public that could cause people to lose trust in their government

I disagree with Colin because i believe that wiki leaks is great help to the people of a government.
For example, in class Mr. Sutherland show us on wiki leaks that in Afghanistan little boys were used as prostitutes to dance for older man as strippers.
Wikileaks, in a recent document-dump, has stirred up evidence that as part of the war effort in Afghanistan, almost two billion US tax dollars have been spent contracting with a private company which, among other scandals, helped throw a party for Afghan police recruits where young boys were pimped out for sex. This is called bacha bazi, and is apparently a widespread practice, although how common it is nobody knows. (If the police are partaking, it's surely difficult to find out.) to read more:
We should embrace the site as an expression of the fundamental freedom that is at the core of our Bill of Rights. In the bill of right it said we have the freedom of speech so every citizen should have the right to say what they want to say or post what they want to post.

The US has been going in the wrong direction for years by classifying millions of documents as secrets. Wikileaks and other media which report these so called secrets will embarrass people yes. Wikileaks and other media will make leaders uncomfortable yes. But embarrassment and discomfort are small prices to pay for a healthier democracy.
This government need to really be healthy. we are going through a lot of wars, and debt. keeping those things a secret for example our situation that we are in right now wont be safe for us the citizens.

Collin you essay and quote you got were really good. If i had agree with your opinion there will be nothing to fix. You give me the information of where you got your quote from. Your point that you was trying to give out was clear. good job.

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