Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Elite Colleges

“Elite colleges”
the writer is Martha O’ O'Connell. The main point of the response: understand that is not “where you go” that matter. I agree with her because i went to a small school that really don't teach a lot because of the student. the student take all the teacher time to stop them from talking and we don't learn non thing. But when i were applying for high schools on my mind i thought i wont get into a good high school. then to my surprise i made it into a small and great school like ASTI.

for me to go back to her point of it not where you go it what you do. When i went to my middle school it was hard for me to learn. first of all i were still learning English because i am from Africa. when the student are taking all the teacher time by joking around, it take time away from learning. even though all that was happening, i plane that in my mind i will do all my work, study for test, and make sure i ask the teacher for help when i needed it. So doing that i got good grades.

what i did was all my work even though i were at a small school but i ended up in a great school that really helping me.

“How do selective institutions help their students succeed? Let me count the ways: First, graduation rates rise with college selectivity, even among equally qualified students. “

“Third, even among equally qualified students, those who go to the most elite colleges have a much better chance of attending graduate and professional school. Again, among those who score 1200 or better out of a possible 1600 on the SAT, about 40 percent of those who go to the most selective colleges go on to graduate or professional school compared with only a quarter of equally qualified students who attend the least selective four-year colleges.”

In my opinion i don't think it right for money to have the power. That means for us who don't have money, but we try our best just to make it into a elite college might not make it. The reason is because all the kids who father or family has the money will be the one accepted because they wont need to ask for scholarship. Then the money maker are the one who will pay there fees on time.

those are my opinions and that what i think of the strong persuasive point and the weak persuasive point.

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